Eureka Street

Eureka Street is a vibrant and growing digital platform for sharing new ideas and commentary on current events in politics and culture. Established in 1991, it has long been one of the most respected independent publications in Australia.

Our readers enjoy leading, balanced analysis of local and international politics, culture, religion and current a airs, from an independent perspective. They turn to us because of our diverse stable of respected writers who range from veteran commentators to cage-rattling digital natives.

Each week Eureka Street features new illustrations from award winning cartoonists Fiona Katauskas and Chris Johnston. It is also home to the fortnightly podcast ChatterSquare, hosted by consulting editor Fatima Measham.

The Editor

David Halliday is the Editor of Eureka Street and an award-winning writer and editor based in Melbourne. He has most recently worked as a communications executive for the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne following editorial roles at Melbourne Catholic, The Record, GQ, and creative digital agencies like AKQA.